About Matt Fantinel

Web Developer in Brazil.

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Automating Social Media Preview Images

2024-05-06 06:15:42

Social media preview images are very useful if you want to attract people to your website. They're sometimes a pain to create, though. Let's automate it!

Thinking of a redesign

2024-03-29 12:02:11

I want my personal website to reflect a bit of who I am. Am I the same person I was 3-4 years ago?

5 Years of Fantinel.dev!

2024-03-08 20:05:36

My website has existed for half of my professional life now. In this post I look back at some snapshots of its history and talk about what's next.

Owning your stuff is pretty cool, actually

2024-02-29 08:00:00

Let's talk a bit about Obsidian, VC-funded apps, the appocalypse and how awesome Markdown life can be.

Stripping the web of its humanity

2024-01-31 07:43:46

A less human web is no good for anyone.

Progressive Enhancement (and why it matters)

2024-01-23 09:50:25

Progressive Enhancement isn't just another web jargon; it's a guiding principle shaping modern web development.

2023 In Retrospective

2023-12-22 00:09:02

A quiet year, but still with lots to talk about.

CSS's "isolation" property is pretty cool

2023-11-24 21:15:59

I had never heard about it before, but it's a pretty clean way of solving z-index related issues.

My Default Apps: 2023

2023-11-07 20:11:50

I'm jumping on the trend of posting my default apps!

Belonging Somewhere

2023-11-05 01:21:47

I could always see parts of myself belonging to some groups or places, but never really felt like I was truly a part of anything.

“Classic rock, Mario Kart, and why we can't agree on Tailwind”

2023-10-14 23:07:19

Great article from Josh Collinsworth explaining why Tailwind is good and bad for the exact same reasons.

The Open Web and "the masses"

2023-09-20 05:28:46

A rant about the Open Web and how it is not for everyone - but that's okay.

My Review of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

2023-09-16 22:29:19

A spoiler-free review of the ultimate Zelda game

How to automatically manage Node versions

2023-09-11 01:26:42

Tired of manually switching Node versions for different projects? Discover how to automate the process using nvm.

Iron Maiden's "Killers" is a concept album

2023-06-16 08:00:00

Seriously, hear me out

Container Queries Are Here!

2023-02-16 08:00:00

Responsive web development will never be the same again.

Conditional Hover Styles in CSS

2023-02-12 08:00:00

Have you ever crafted a nice hover effect for an element in your website, then opened it on mobile and saw that effect erroneously appear when that element is tapped on?

Who Runs Our Code

2023-02-10 08:00:00

In a world with tons of business requirements, conversion metrics, and a stampede of new technologies, front-end development can easily become oblivious of one thing: where our code runs.

From Twitter to Mastodon

2023-02-07 08:00:00

Turns out the elephant network feels much lighter than the bird one.

2022 In Hindsight

2022-12-19 08:00:00

A year of big changes, both to me and to the world.

Thoughts on GitHub Copilot

2022-09-05 08:00:00

I was initially skeptical about it, but I've come to appreciate it more and more as I use it.

Review: Elden Ring

2022-08-01 08:00:00

My thoughts on what probably is the biggest game release of 2022.

Ethical Analytics are Plausible, at Last

2022-02-01 08:00:00

Web Analytics is such a morally ambiguous area that I’ve avoided it for years, but now I can finally do it with peace of mind.

2021 In Review

2021-12-09 08:00:00

Another year, another yearly review post. 2021 felt like pretty much 2020 part II for a lot of people, me included.

How I built a blog with Svelte and SvelteKit

2021-09-08 08:00:00

An overview of the experience I've had using these amazing projects.

Smarter, Lighter, Better Images: A Guide to Optimization

2021-01-30 08:00:00

Learn how to reduce page loading times and bounce rate.

How to fix your Favicons

2021-01-06 08:00:00

Favicons suck. Luckily, there are ways to make them suck less.

Spicing Up your GitHub Profile with HTML and CSS

2021-01-02 08:00:00

Make your GitHub profile more appealing with what you do best: code!

Looking Back at 2020

2020-12-28 08:00:00

2020 definitely wasn't our best year... but let's remember what was good about it.

CSS Scroll Snapping - Improve Scrolling without JS

2020-08-03 08:00:00

Learn how to snap scroll positions with CSS only.

Developing an Animal Crossing companion app with Ionic

2020-07-28 09:19:02

No bells were spent while building this app.

Cool things I did and learned in 2019

2019-12-29 08:00:00

A quick look back at 2019 and what I learned during this year.

Web Workers - Bringing Multithreading to the Front-End

2019-08-14 08:00:00

Improve your client-side performance by breaking heavy operations into multiple threads - backend style.

MongoDB on Linux - Data directory /data/db not found

2019-06-09 08:00:00

Fix the error that occurs when trying to run freshly-installed MongoDB on a Linux machine.

.NET Core - Project version mismatch

2019-06-03 08:00:00

Solving this cryptic error might take you many hours. Hopefully this will help you out.

Open Source x Free Software: What's the difference?

2019-03-23 08:00:00

Learn the difference between these two terms that often get mixed up.

Micro Frontends: Solving the Legacy JavaScript Problem

2019-03-17 08:00:00

Finally a way to modernize that legacy project you keep complaining about!

.NET Core - Method not allowed on PUT and DELETE requests

2019-03-14 08:00:00

See how to solve this annoying error after deploying your .NET Core API.

What are PWAs and why should I care about them?

2019-03-12 08:00:00

We see a lot of talk about PWAs, but the concept is not that easy to understand.

How to transform your Angular 6+ app into a PWA

2019-03-10 08:00:00

Make your Angular app work like a native app on phones and desktop.

The purpose of this blog

2019-03-08 08:00:00

Why does it exist?